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Since I’ve been 13 I thought about death and was pretty lonely with my thoughts. My friends don’t get it why to talk about death and to try to escape it is so important to me. I talked with elder women who said that we shouldn’t stop aging, since death would be an important part of life (as if life couldn’t exist without death). And what’s the point about not aging, they said, I’ve even now almost no energy to live. They didn’t get the point. That their lack of energy is BECAUSE they already have aged. The only two persons in my life who understood me were my dad who’s still 49 and already suffering from so many diseases. And my best friend, who lacks trust in himself to change something (at least at the moment).

I began to do researches on the internet about current science researches and the more I read the more I wanted to be part of the aging research team.

Now I am 18, still going to school with the goal to study medicine to have the qualities to join an aging-related research team.

What keeps me going is when I see people crying at funerals e.g. since their husband or wife is dead. It shows me again and again what I’m fighting for, because I can feel their pain inside of myself.

I confess that I love life and my boyfriend so much that I don’t want to let it go.

Even though I know that it’s just the beginning and I may die early – I’m not able to die without at least trying to stop aging.

I’m so happy to join you guys!


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Govind Prakash
