Categories: Universities

Institute of Ageing & Chronic Disease (University of Liverpool)

 The Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease is using world-class research to improve the quality of life of millions of people on an international scale.

We’re finding new insights into musculoskeletal biology and eye and vision sciences, as well as examining functions like movement, metabolism and sight.

We do that in the laboratory and at the bedside, looking at the impact of lifestyle and patient behaviour, as well bioscience and epidemiology, finding the risk factors which can cause disease, and then finding better prevention measures and methods of care.

Our research translates into real benefits for people and animals of all ages – from unique approaches to prevent muscle wasting in intensive care patients, a retina scan to detect cerebral malaria in African children, and exercise and nutritional regimes that can prevent obesity and morbidity. We’re also making strides in veterinary medicine, and investigating rare diseases like alkaptonuria, which causes severe early onset osteoarthritis.

And we don’t work alone. We have newly-created facilities in the University of Liverpool’s William Henry Duncan Building, work closely with other exceptional university teams such as the School of Veterinary Science and its Leahurst animal hospital, and our global partners include the Wellcome Trust, UK Research Councils, NIH (USA), Unilever and GSK.

Anthony McLean


Published by
Anthony McLean
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